It's the first day of May today and that marks the start of Oxfordshire Artweeks, an open studio event that takes place in my local county each year during May. This week studios in the North and West of the County are opening their doors, followed by Oxford next week, and then South Oxfordshire (and me) from May 15th. I've been busy varnishing and cataloguing paintings, choosing frames and considering how I can best display them, as well as trying to get my house and garden looking presentable as well! The image shows some still-life paintings recently varnished and waiting to be framed.
Each day during May Oxfordshire Artweeks is sharing a different daily art trail - today's theme is 'Oxfordshire Landscapes' and you can view it here: https://youtu.be/wAc4RP9OMvM
'Acer sunshine' 8" x 10" oil on canvas panel
Not quite an Oxfordshire landscape, but this painting was Inspired by a visit to Claydon House in nearby Bucks. This is a stately home occupied by the Verney family for over 500 years, but is open (when Covid restrictions allow!) to the public via the National Trust. The gardens are beautiful and well worth a visit!